Tuesday, January 24, 2017

My Belief in Science and Truth in the Era of Trump

It hurts my heart that the current administration is engaging in deceit, falsehoods, and inaccuracy…and it is not even a week into the current changes. I work for the United States government and already many like-minded individuals and scientists are under governmental restriction to remain silent about simple facts of our world. I am fortunate to remain mostly outside of those restrictions…at the moment.

This form of silencing is reminiscent of governments in countries that rule by fear, devalue free thinking, and fuel propaganda. As a scientist and employee of the National Institutes of Health, I feel it is my duty to provide the most accurate truth that is available in the effort to educate and protect those that rely on accurate health information and fact…particularly those groups that are underrepresented in science.

Perhaps I’m looking at the dark side of the moon; perhaps I am overreacting. Both are possible, I’ll admit. But I promise to myself and my family and friends and to everyone else that I will not allow myself to be subjected to falsehood and the belief that there are ‘alternative’ truths to basic facts and truth. I feel incredibly passionate about this and I will not be dissuaded from engaging anyone, on either side of the aisle, from a productive discussion about these principles so long as people are willing to acknowledge that there is a reality to our world that can be defined in a reasonable way. This is dramatic maybe, but I feel this is imperative to define for myself and those I know as our country moves forward.   

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